
Weld Neck Flanges

Weld Neck Flanges are drilled(machined) with the wall thickness of the flange having the same dimensions of the matching pipe, the lighter the pipe is, the larger the bore, conversely, the heavier the pipe, the small the bore, they are normally used for highpressure, cold or hot temperature.



ø D b g m a J* h k Holes l Kg.
1/2" 88,9 11,1 34,9 30,2 21,3 15,7 47,6 60,3 4 15,9 0,500
3/4" 98,4 12,7 42,9 38,1 26,7 20,8 52,4 69,8 4 15,9 0,700
1" 107,9 14,3 50,8 49,2 33,5 26,7 55,6 79,4 4 15,9 1,100
1 1/4" 117,5 15,9 63,5 58,8 42,2 35,1 57,1 88,9 4 15,9 1,500
1 1/2" 127,0 17,5 73,0 65,1 48,3 40,9 61,9 98,4 4 15,9 1,800
2" 152,4 19,0 92,1 77,8 60,3 52,6 63,5 120,6 4 19,0 2,700
2 1/2" 177,8 22,2 104,8 90,5 73,1 62,7 69,8 139,7 4 19,0 4,400
3" 190,5 23,8 127,0 107,9 88,9 78,0 69,8 152,4 4 19,0 5,200
3 1/2" 215,9 23,8 139,7 122,2 101,6 90,2 71,4 177,8 8 19,0 6,400
4" 228,6 23,8 157,2 134,9 114,3 102,4 76,2 190,5 8 19,0 7,500
5" 254,0 23,8 185,7 163,5 141,2 128,3 88,9 215,9 8 22,2 9,200
6" 279,4 25,4 215,9 192,1 168,4 154,2 88,9 241,3 8 22,2 11,000
8" 342,9 28,6 269,9 246,1 219,1 202,7 101,6 298,4 8 22,2 18,300
10" 406,4 30,2 323,8 304,8 273,0 254,5 101,6 361,9 12 25,4 25,000
12" 482,6 31,7 381,0 365,1 323,8 304,8 114,3 431,8 12 25,4 39,000
14" 533,4 34,9 412,7 400,0 355,6 336,5 127,0 476,2 12 28,6 51,000
16" 596,9 36,5 469,9 457,2 406,4 387,3 127,0 539,7 16 28,6 60,000
18" 635,0 39,7 533,4 504,8 457,2 438,1 139,7 577,8 16 31,7 71,000
20" 698,5 42,9 584,2 558,8 508,0 488,9 144,5 635,0 20 31,7 88,000
22" 749,3 46,0 641,2 609,6 558,8 539,7 149,2 692,1 20 34,9 102,000
24" 812,8 47,6 692,1 663,6 609,6 590,5 152,4 749,3 20 34,9 119,000
* The data "J" corresponds to the STD schedule

1. Class 150 flanges except Lap Joint will be furnished with 0.06 (1.6mm) raised face, which is included in ‘Thickness’ (C) and ‘Length through Hub’ (Y1), (Y3).
2. For Slip-on, Threaded, Socket Welding and Lap Joint Flanges, the hubs can be shaped either vertical from base to top or tapered within the limits of 7 degrees.
3. Blind Flanges may be made with the same hub as that used for Slip-on Flanges or without hub.
4. The gasket surface and backside (bearing surface for bolting) are made parallel within 1 degree. To accomplish parallelism, spot facing is carried out according to MSS SP-9, without reducing thickness (C).
5. Depth of Socket (D) is covered by ANSI B 16.5 only in sizes through 3 inch, over 3 inch is at the manufacturer’s option.
6. Welding Neck Flange Bore Size SCH10, SCH20, SCH30, STD, SCH40, SCH60, SCH80, SCH100, SCH 120, SCH140, SCH160, XS

ø D b g m a J* h k Holes l Kg.
1/2" 95,2 14,3 34,9 38,1 21,3 15,7 52,4 66,7 4 15,9 0,900
3/4" 117,5 15,9 42,9 47,6 26,7 20,8 57,1 82,5 4 19,0 1,500
1" 123,8 17,5 50,8 54,0 33,5 26,7 61,9 88,9 4 19,0 1,900
1 1/4" 133,3 19,0 63,5 63,5 42,2 35,1 65,1 98,4 4 19,0 2,600
1 1/2" 155,6 20,6 73,0 69,8 48,3 40,9 68,3 114,3 4 22,2 3,300
2" 165,1 22,2 92,1 84,1 60,3 52,6 69,8 127,0 8 19,0 3,600
2 1/2" 190,5 25,4 104,8 100,0 73,1 62,7 76,2 149,2 8 22,2 5,400
3" 209,5 28,6 127,0 117,5 88,9 78,0 79,4 168,3 8 22,2 7,400
3 1/2" 228,6 30,2 139,7 133,3 101,6 90,2 81,0 184,1 8 22,2 8,900
4" 254,0 31,7 157,2 146,0 114,3 102,4 85,7 200,0 8 22,2 11,900
5" 279,4 34,9 185,7 177,8 141,2 128,3 98,4 234,9 8 22,2 16,000
6" 317,5 36,5 215,9 206,4 168,4 154,2 98,4 269,9 12 22,2 20,200
8" 381,0 41,3 269,9 260,3 219,1 202,7 111,1 330,2 12 25,4 31,000
10" 444,5 47,6 323,4 320,7 273,0 254,5 117,5 387,3 16 28,6 44,300
12" 520,7 50,8 381,0 374,6 323,8 304,8 130,2 450,8 16 31,7 64,000
14" 584,2 54,0 412,7 425,4 355,6 336,5 142,9 514,3 20 31,7 88,000
16" 647,7 57,1 469,9 482,6 406,4 387,3 146,0 571,5 20 34,9 113,000
18" 711,2 60,3 533,4 533,4 457,2 438,1 158,7 628,6 24 34,9 134,000
20" 774,7 63,5 584,2 587,4 508,0 488,9 161,9 685,8 24 34,9 171,000
22" 838,2 66,7 641,2 641,2 558,8 539,7 165,1 742,9 24 41,3 195,000
24" 914,4 69,8 692,1 701,7 609,6 590,5 168,3 812,8 24 41,3 238,000
* The data "J" corresponds to the STD schedule

1. Class 300 flanges except Lap Joint will be furnished with 0.06 (1.6mm) raised face, which is included in ‘Thickness’ (C) and ‘Length through Hub’ (Y1), (Y3).
2. For Slip-on, Threaded, Socket Welding and Lap Joint Flanges, the hubs can be shaped either vertical from base to top or tapered within the limits of 7 degrees.
3. Blind Flanges may be made with the same hub as that used for Slip-on Flanges or without hub.
4. The gasket surface and backside (bearing surface for bolting) are made parallel within 1 degree. To accomplish parallelism, spot facing is carried out according to MSS SP-9, without reducing thickness (C).
5. Depth of Socket (D) is covered by ANSI B 16.5 only in sizes through 3 inch, over 3 inch is at the manufacturer’s option.
6. Welding Neck Flange Bore Size SCH10, SCH20, SCH30, STD, SCH40, SCH60, SCH80, SCH100, SCH 120, SCH140, SCH160, XS

ø D b g m a J* h k Holes l Kg.
1/2" 95,2 14,3 34,9 38,1 21,3 15,7 52,4 66,7 4 15,9 0,900
3/4" 117,5 15,9 42,9 47,6 26,7 20,9 57,1 82,5 4 19,0 1,500
1" 123,8 17,5 50,8 54,0 33,5 26,7 61,9 88,9 4 19,0 1,900
1 1/4" 133,3 20,6 63,5 63,5 42,2 35,0 66,7 98,4 4 19,0 2,600
1 1/2" 155,6 22,2 73,0 69,8 48,3 40,9 69,8 114,3 4 22,2 3,300
2" 165,1 25,4 92,1 84,1 60,3 52,6 73,0 127,0 8 19,0 4,700
2 1/2" 190,5 28,6 104,8 100,0 73,1 62,7 79,4 149,2 8 22,2 6,500
3" 209,5 31,7 127,0 117,5 88,9 78,0 82,5 168,3 8 22,2 8,700
3 1/2" 228,6 34,9 139,7 133,3 101,6 90,1 85,7 184,1 8 25,4 11,200
4" 273,0 38,1 157,2 152,4 114,3 102,4 101,6 215,9 8 25,4 18,100
5" 330,2 44,4 185,7 188,9 141,2 128,2 114,3 266,7 8 28,6 30,500
6" 355,6 47,6 215,9 222,2 168,4 154,2 117,5 292,1 12 28,6 36,200
8" 419,1 55,6 269,9 273,0 219,1 202,7 133,3 349,2 12 31,7 56,500
10" 508,0 63,5 323,8 342,9 273,0 254,5 152,4 431,8 16 34,9 91,000
12" 558,8 66,7 381,0 400,0 323,8 304,8 155,6 488,9 20 34,9 105,000
14" 603,2 69,8 412,7 431,8 355,6 * 165,1 527,0 20 38,1 125,000
16" 685,8 76,2 469,9 495,3 406,4 177,8 603,2 20 41,3 178,000
18" 742,9 82,5 533,4 546,1 457,2 184,1 654,0 20 44,4 261,000
20" 812,8 88,9 584,2 609,6 508,0 190,5 723,9 24 44,4 268,000
22" 869,9 95,2 641,2 666,7 558,8 196,8 777,9 24 47,6 328,000
24" 939,8 101,6 692,1 717,5 609,6 203,2 838,2 24 50,8 380,000
* The data "J" corresponds to the STD schedule
To be specifiedby customer

1. Class 600 flanges except Lap Joint will be furnished with 0.25 (6.35mm) raised face, which is not included in ‘Thickness’ (C) and ‘Length through Hub’ (Y1), (Y3).
2. For Slip-on, Threaded, Socket Welding and Lap Joint Flanges, the hubs can be shaped either vertical from base to top or tapered within the limits of 7 degrees.
3. Blind Flanges may be made with the same hub as that used for Slip-on Flanges or without hub.
4. The gasket surface and backside (bearing surface for bolting) are made parallel within 1 degree. To accomplish parallelism, spot facing is carried out according to MSS SP-9, without reducing thickness (C).
5. Dimensions of sizes 1/2 through 3 1/2 are the same as for Class 400 Flanges.
6. Depth of Socket (D) is covered by ANSI B 16.5 only in sizes through 3 inch, over 3 inch is at the manufacturer’s option.
7. Welding Neck Flange Bore Size SCH10, SCH20, SCH30, STD, SCH40, SCH60, SCH80, SCH100, SCH 120, SCH140, SCH160, XS.
